At this time this is the only known picture of Eva.  It is unknown how old she is here or where it was taken.  Click on the picture or here for a larger view.
Bio / Memories



Pictures / Misc.

The Schwartzman Family  A historical family website
Joseph and Eva

Bio / Memories



Pictures / Misc.

This page was last updated on: January 12, 2005

Memorial / Records
"Here [lies] Our Endeared Mother
Rivka Daughter of R' Yehezchel the Levi
Passed Away the 9th of Tamuz 5691"
The address listed is that of Eva's daughter Gussie and her husband Morris Lentz with whom Eva was living.  The 1930 Federal Census linked to above records Eva as "Rebecca" (either a mistake or a nickname).

Eva is not buried with any other family nor is she buried with the Yedinitz landsmanshaftn (Erste Yedinitzer IOBA #80) that has a burial section at Beth David Cemetery  (Section B-2).  It appears that this plot was purchased as needed.

It was common during the first half of the 20th Century for Jews to buy plots with other immigrants from their shtetls.  These burial societies were usually one part of a larger landsmanschaftn society from the individual shtetl.
Very little is known about Eva Goldberg Schwartzman or her husband Joseph.  Her maiden name was gleaned from her death certificate and for a short time it was thought that perhaps she was a Schwartzman and perhaps a sibling to Zelig based on her father's name being listed as Yehezchel on her gravestone as it is listed on Zelig's.  Her Hebrew name Riwke is only evident on the ship's manifest and then lastly on her gravestone.

David (2) & Fannie (5) and Harry (9) & Esther (12).   Harry's children are #s 3, 4, and 10 while David's children are #s 1, 6, 7, 8, and 11.  There is some debate as to who is who of David's children at this time.
At this time this is the only known picture of Eva.  It is unknown how old she is here or where it was taken.  Click on the picture or here for a larger view.