Immigration to America   (Manifest Search Methods)
Riwke Schwartzmann, her son Aron and a young girl named Zisel Silberstein traveled together per the below manifest from Liverpool, England to New York ariving on October 8, 1908.  Per the manifest all three were from Yedinitz, Bessarabia (now Moldova) and their joint final destination was Mordechai Schwartzmann, Riwke's son, who lived at 84 Church Street in New Brunswick, New Jersey.   What is not known is how the three made their way from Yedinitz to Liverpool.  A 1911 map of Europe needs to be viewed to understand how large the trip to Liverpool was to appreciate what we don't know of their journey.  It is likely that they left the Continent of Europe from either Bremen or Hamburg as indicated.  Click here for map.

It is not known who Zisel Silberstein was or how she came to be traveling with Riwke and Aron or even what happened to her. 
The manifest also states that the nearest relative left behind in Yedinitz to be Riwke's sister, Beile Fuchs.  Family lore has always held that Eva and her family were sponsored to America by Sol (Zelig).  There is no indication of that on the manifest.  Also it should be noted that Eva's son who she is traveling to is listed as Mordechai as opposed to David.
The Schwartzman Family ..... A historical family website
Riwke (Eva) Schwartzman and Son Aron (Harry)
The Schwartzman Family ..... A historical family website
Riwke (Eva) Schwartzman and Son Aron (Harry)
Riwke Schwartzmann, her son Aron and a young girl named Zisel Silberstein traveled together per the below manifest from Liverpool, England to New York ariving on October 8, 1908.  Per the manifest all three were from Yedinitz, Bessarabia (now Moldova) and their joint final destination was Mordechai Schwartzmann, Riwke's son, who lived at 84 Church Street in New Brunswick, New Jersey.   What is not known is how the three made their way from Yedinitz to Liverpool.  A 1911 map of Europe needs to be viewed to understand how large the trip to Liverpool was to appreciate what we don't know of their journey.  It is likely that they left the Continent of Europe from either Bremen or Hamburg as indicated.  Click here for map.

It is not known who Zisel Silberstein was or how she came to be traveling with Riwke and Aron or even what happened to her. 
The manifest also states that the nearest relative left behind in Yedinitz to be Riwke's sister, Beile Fuchs.  Family lore has always held that Eva and her family were sponsored to America by Sol (Zelig).  There is no indication of that on the manifest.  Also it should be noted that Eva's son who she is traveling to is listed as Mordechai as opposed to David.

This page was last updated on: September 1, 2004

Certificate of Arrival attached to Harry;s Naturalization / Citizenship papers.

This document was prepared upon submission of his Declaration of Intent to become a citizen verifying his entry into the U.S. based upon the info provided in that Declaration as compared to the above manifest.
Immigration to America   (Manifest Search Methods)
RMS Cedric at Liverpool Docks.
Ellis Island Inspection Room
Journey to Ellis Island by Carol Bierman

This book is an excellent representation of the hardships and travels Riwke/Eva must have undertaken along with Aron/Harry and Zisel to reach America.  The story written for approximately middle school age children is rich enough for an adult to appreciate.  The drawings, period post cards and sepia photographs perfectly blend and present the story.  It begins in Russia and extends beyond Ellis Island and i can only imagine how I would fare under similiar  circumstances.  I recommend for everyone in our family to find a copy at their local library to "see" how we all got here. 

My apologies to anyone that sees this recommendation as an advertisement.  - Eric